Cameras are now more accessible than ever, but it still takes skill behind the lens to capture an image that will stand out. So, if you are new to digital photography, or you've had a camera for a while but need to understand how photography really works, join Colin Hocking, LRPS, for a workshop that will teach you the basics of exposure, metering, white balance, composition and much more. You'll leave with a good understanding of photographic terminology and techniques and in addition you will be introduced to composition principles and tips and tricks that will help you take your photography to the next level.
At the end of this workshop you'll be shooting like the pros shoot!
What you'll learn:
Learn about ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture
Understand the Exposure Triangle
Work through Equivalent Exposures calculations
See what a good photographic exposure looks like
Understand why you need to get out of Auto modes
Learn photographic terminology
Understand how and why to White Balance
Learn the basics of Composition
hands on shooting session so you'll know how to operate your camera and make appropriate selections on your camera to give you the correct exposure in challenging light conditions.
To Learn more about me, please visit my Bio Page: ABOUT
All images Copyright Colin Hocking Photography 2020-2024. Downloading, copying, reproducing, and/or using my images without my prior permission are a violation of the Federal Copyright Act and will be pursued to the full extent of the law.